Weekly Editorial

  • A Year Full of Opportunities

    As 2008 comes to a close I would like to take a few moments and offer my thanks to all of you who read the Woodworker’s Journal eZine. You have been my steady companions not only for ’08, but many of you have been part of the eZine community for years and years. I am grateful for your patronage and thankful for your graceful acceptance of our efforts. You are the reason the eZine exists and the reason that I have the best job in the country.

  • A Merry Gift-mas

    Now that my birthday of the year has passed (December 11, for those of you taking note for the future – I can write it on my staff’s calendars, but I can’t get to all of you), it seems that the focus has moved on to other December holidays – holidays when people expect me to give them gifts, instead of just receive (the nerve!).

  • Jim Forrest Sr.

    I have been actively involved in woodworking for more than 30 years. For that entire time, Forrest table saw blades have been a premier product, and Jim Forrest Sr. was willing to tell you exactly why that was true. To say that he has been a fixture in our small world of woodworking would be like saying that Gibraltar is “a nice bit of rock”.

  • Woodworking: Both Frugal and Fun

    Times are tough out there. Unless you have been living under a rock (and if you are, where do you plug in your power tools?), you’ve probably heard the drumbeat of the current economic woes.

  • Searching For an Answer?

    I know that I am not alone in this (in fact, my wife thinks it is a Y chromosome-linked trait), but I am a sucker for a cool gizmo or gadget. For example, in my office you can find a radio-controlled racecar, a battery-powered pistol type foam-disk shooter, a couple of little telescope devices (for looking at ducks in the pond across the road) — and sadly, the list goes on. As you will have noticed, these gizmos have almost no practical purpose – OK, absolutely no practical purpose.

  • The Fall Follies

    Fall is my favorite time of year for three main reasons: it is the kickoff of “back to the shop” woodworking season, it is the beginning of football season, and it is the opening of bird hunting season. Do you see a theme running through this? The only problem is that all these favorite activities compete for my time and attention — and to top if off, I occasionally have to work, too! As you can imagine, this leads to a fair bit of stress.

  • Haiku from You, the eZine Readers

    Last time out, I asked the eZine faithful to send in some woodworking-themed haikus. And, as usual, you did not disappoint. We could only pick three winners to receive the great prizes below, but click on over to the “Feedback” section of this eZine to read many more lines of poetry dedicated to your favorite hobby.

  • Sheer Poetry

    A few years ago, the Woodworker’s Journal eZine ran a woodworking poetry contest. The response, frankly, was flabbergasting. It turns out that a lot of eZine faithful are poets — and boy, do you know it.

  • Learning to Turn

    By now, those of you who are subscribers to the print Woodworker’s Journal magazine have likely received your September/October issues (and those of you who aren’t subscribers – what’sa matter wit’ ya?)

  • Woodworking Af-Fair

    Our State Fair is a great State Fair, it’s the greatest State Fair in the land….” I’m no Oscar Hammerstein, but I know a good song when I hear it, (and some might say, will perform it endlessly …) even if I’m not as keen on the whole State Fair experience as some other members of our staff. (Fellow Minnesotans, please leave your rotten tomatoes at home.)