Weekly Editorial
Turning is Woodworking!
I have a really wide appreciation for woodworking of all types. And one of the wonderful benefits of my job is that I have gotten to dabble in many techniques and niches of the craft. Marquetry, carving, scroll sawing, fine furniture, rustic furniture, cabinetmaking, stringed instrument making — I have attempted them all.
Stories from Woodworking’s Past
A little more than a week ago, we sent out an email announcing that we had collected all of the long out-of-print Today’s Woodworker magazines, and put them all on one CD.
Hot … Really Hot
Here where I live, it has been really stinking hot of late. Now, I know that this is dangerous ground to cover, because many of you live where you don’t get worked up about the heat until you cross the triple digit Rubicon (we use the Fahrenheit scale here in the U.S. — it would be the upper 30s Celsius).
Community Glues Woodworkers Together
Community is a great concept — one that has been working well for thousands of years. And now, it’s working on the Internet … how do I know? After reading the Q&As in our last eZine, some readers had a question about one of the questions — or, at least, about the answer.
It’s a Contest! Turn, Turn, Turn!
Are you a woodturner? Have your thoughts ever turned to fame and/or fortune? If they have, well you are in luck.
Saved by My Lathe
Some folks seem to think that the winter holiday season is the hardest on their budget. Not so with me — it’s the graduation/wedding season that makes my wallet look as bare as last year’s Christmas tree.
Wow, Did You Say 300?
As of today, the Woodworker’s Journal eZine has sent out 300 issues to you and the rest of those who make up the eZine faithful. In terms of Internet time, the eZine has been around since dinosaurs ruled the ether. (Perhaps you remember that in my original editorial photo, I was wearing a sabre-toothed tiger-skin shirt with bone-framed glasses.)
Old Dog, New Tricks
Last week, I learned how to use a CNC router. As a bit of an old-time computer geek (I was an early adopter on both the Commodore 64 and Atari 800s – eight-bit computers were the bomb), I was confident that I would eventually get the hang of it, and sure that it would be a rocky path at the beginning.
OK … We Just Can’t Help Ourselves
As most of you have determined by now, for the last couple of days, these web pages have been occupied by the 2012 April Fool’s edition of the eZine. Humor is, of course, highly subjective, and some of you have higher standards than yours truly – and find our annual attempt at hilarity, well, a trial.
Heating Up in the Shop
Last Sunday, it was as warm here in Minnesota as is the average high temperature for Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on March 18th. There are green things growing in my yard right now that should have a couple of feet of snow covering them. I might need to break out the lawn mower two months early! It’s just weird.