Industry Interviews
A Portable Shop From Toolguide
Falling in love with a tool, as we all know, can be sudden and life-changing. When Michael McGibbon got his first glimpse of a Festo saw, he should have been more careful.
The Whole Machine at Laguna Tools
here are, of course, many differences between European and North American woodworkers, and Torben Helshoj, president of Laguna Tools, has had ample opportunity to observe those differences.
Ridgid Gets Urgent
Brian Sponsler faced the prospect of developing the Ridgid brand of woodworking products, building a new product development operation from scratch, and finding a whole new distribution channel for his company’s tools.
The End of Carbide as We Know It?
Carbide Processors is out to change our world.
Amazon’s Tool Chest
When bought Tool Crib of the North last year, it raised a lot of eyebrows. Most of us who know anything about Amazon think of it as an online bookstore. So how, we asked ourselves, did they decide to get into the tool business?
Powermatic Resurfaces
Last year, when JET Equipment and Tools acquired Powermatic from its recently bankrupt parent company, there was a collective sigh of relief in the woodworking community.