Q & A
Non-Sealer Stain
Is it possible to buy a stain that isn’t a sealer too?
Cleaning Lacquer
Can I clean a high gloss lacquered table with mild detergent or mineral spirits?
Chinkapin Oak and Pin Oak
Is there any difference between chinkapin oak and pin oak?
What’s A Good Finish For A Coffee Table?
Kevin Hancock offers a tip on finishing a coffee table.
Resurface a Workbench
I built a new workbench using a top from a high school woodworking class. It needs to be resurfaced. Is there a good way to resurface this top without an elaborate setup?
Eliminating Snipe on My Jointer
My jointer does not have an adjustable outfeed table. What do I have to do to eliminate snipe?
Filling The Gaps
What’s the best product to fill in gaps in a miter joint on MDF prior to sanding and painting?
Using Glaze in Woodworking
Is “glaze” a process or a material, and how does it differ from stain?
Is Chestnut a Hardwood?
Our experts tackle defining a once popular wood.
Good Router Book Recommendation
I was given a router set as a gift. Could you recommend a good book that provides detailed information on how to use the router?