Q & A
Differences Between Water and Oil Stones
Is there a difference between water and oil stones, and can you use one as the other?
Advantages of Dewaxed Shellac vs. Shellac with Wax
What are the advantages of dewaxed shellac over shellac with the wax still in it?
Wood Used For Oxen Yokes
What type of wood was commonly used to make the brace, main body and hoops of oxen yokes?
Waterproofing Your Crafts
Is there any way or product that can be used to make the interior surfaces of bowls and vases not just water resistant but truly waterproof?
Softening Dried Wood Glue
Is there some substance that would soften dried wood glue quickly to enable pieces to be taken apart?
How Do You Keep Lathe Tools Sharp?
How do you keep lathe tools sharp? Is there a special sharpener?
Spontaneous Combustion
Are you safe from spontaneous combustion if you dry oily rags by laying them out flat or hanging one at time on the edge of a garbage can?
Sag Created by the Weight of a Router
Is sag created by the weight of a router in an MDF table really a problem?
Removing Iron and Water Stains
Is there a way of removing water and iron stains from wood apart from sanding?
Stabilizing Spalted Wood
Is there any way to stabilize spalted wood enough so that it can be turned?