Q & A
Remove Sweat Drops
In spite of having waxed them when new, I got marks from sweat drops on some of my tool tables. Is there a way to remove them without harming the tables?
How to Repair Chipped Enamel on a Hoosier Cabinet?
Is there a way to repair chipped enamel on a Hoosier cabinet?
Staining Bookmatched Oak Veneer Panels
When I stain bookmatched oak veneer panels, every other panel comes out darker. Why, and what can I do about it?
Old Craftsman Power Tools
I resurrected some old Craftsman power tools that belonged to my wife’s father and need parts for them that Sears no longer carries. Do you happen to know if they are still available?
Fixing Bolivian Cherry Flooring
I installed pre-finished Bolivian cherry flooring. This finish is fairly soft, so scratches and dings have appeared. How can I fix these spots?
Determining Fastener Length
Is there a rule of thumb for determining how long a fastener needs to be for the joint of a project?
Using the Twin Tenon
At what width would you suggest a twin tenon becomes advisable?
Priming OSB
What can I use to prime OSB so I can paint it without loosening the outer flakes?
Oils on Cedar
I read that the oils in cedar will break down both water- and oil- based finishes. Is this true?
Drill Press Vibration
I tried brute force and cleaning the taper with paint thinner, but the chuck falls off my new drill press with any vibration. What can I do?