Q & A
Best Curved Stile to Rail Joinery
What joinery is best for fitting the door stiles to the rails for a curved china door cabinet?
Shaping Crown Moldings
How do I shape crown molding to fit a ceiling that is not straight?
Shelf Life of Aniline Dye
Is there a shelf life on water soluble aniline dye once it’s been mixed?
Difference Between Oil and Water Polyurethane
What are the primary differences between oil-based and waterbased polyurethane?
Drill Press Speeds
None of the drill press speed charts have a listing for the mortising bits for a drill press mortising attachment. What should that be?
Toning Down Orange Stain
How can I tone down wood that came out too orange after staining?
Rounded Depression on Stock: aka ‘Snipe’
What causes a rounded depression near the end of my planed stock?
Best Season for Felling Trees
I want to cut down three cherry trees for wood. Does it matter in what season I fell them?
Best Fireplace Finish
What is the best finish for a fireplace?
How to Conditioning Pine?
Should I put wood conditioner on pine molding prior to staining?