Q & A
Expiration Date on Stones?
They’ve been sitting out for several months, but this reader’s stones still smell pretty fresh. How long does he have to wait for these things to rot?
Are My Wood Grains Gluten-Free?
In the search for a gluten-free lifestyle: what about the wood grains?
Restoring Furniture Back to Its Original Form?
People often want to restore old pieces of furniture back to their showroom glory, but how would I go about restoring a table, chair or dresser all the way back to the original tree again?
What is Meant By a “Making a Quirk?”
What does it mean to “make a quirk” to a certain depth?
Sealing End Grain on Painted Letters?
Is there a way to seal the end grain on carved letters so it won’t soak up too much paint?
How Should Oilstones be Cleaned, Flattened?
My used and dirty oilstones need some help. What’s the best way to restore them?
How to Eliminate Mice Odors?
What’s the best way to seal in the mice odors on these vintage drawers?
Best Finish for Outdoor White Oak Project?
What’s the best finish for white oak that will be used for outdoor projects?
Evening Out Walnut Color Tones?
How can I blend several color tones of walnut together on the same project so they will look the same?