Q & A
Purpleheart Losing Color
Does purpleheart lose its color over time? I am using it on the inside face of a box only. Andy…
Do You Need Spark Detection?
Is a spark detection system inside the dust collection system needed for a home-based shop?
Preventing Rust in a Basement?
The basement is dry, but can get humid on occasion. Should I be concerned about my woodworking equipment rusting?
Best Ways to Light a Workshop?
Are there any guidelines about what kind and how many lights to put in your workshop?
Jointer, Table Saw: What Tool Next?
I have a jointer and a table saw. Which should come next, a band saw, disk and belt sander, staple gun or drill press?
Gluing Walnut over Polyurethane?
Can I glue walnut strips over the polyurethane with Gorilla Glue and expect them to stay fastened?
Refinishing an Outdoor Walkway
How can I strip and refinish the outside to match the inside, using something that will look good and protect the wood from the afternoon sun?
Stripping Branches for Walking Sticks
Is there an easy way to strip bark off branches that will be used as walking sticks?
Removing a Splitter
Since my splitter is in the kerf of the blade, is there any reason to remove it to use a sled?
Oil vs. Water: Best Sandpaper Lubricant?
I smooth polyurethane with 600-grit wet and dry sandpaper lubricated with furniture oil instead of water. Is this a good idea?