Q & A
Cleaning Dirty Sauna Wood
Short of belt sanding the entire room and every slat on the benches, is there a way to freshen them up?
Standard Measurements for Drawer Clearance?
Is there a rule of thumb set of measurements for creating drawers to insure proper clearance?
Further Info on Shooting Boards
What is a shooting board and how is it used? I never heard of it. A further elaboration.
Sealer for MDF Benchtop?
What is the best product to use to seal or finish the MDF?
Lead Testing for Wood Toys?
Can you shed light on the current situation as well as the likely future responsibilities that these woodworking clubs will be subject to?
How to Use a Shooting Board?
I have seen numerous articles in several woodworking magazines and also on the Internet on how to build the board. They all seem to stop short on explaining how to use the board.
Wood Species for Toolbox
Is there a “correct” wood species for making a toolbox? Also, should I avoid using certain kinds of glue, such as PVA?
Connecting Benchtop Tools to Dust Collection
Does anyone make an adapter kit which allows you to connect various different tools to standard shop vac?
Best Speed for Sanding on Lathe
With the multiple speeds on the lathe, at which speed is it best to sand finish the project?
Ways to Flatten Wood
Are there models that won’t put so much pressure on the wood? Or is there a technique I haven’t discovered?