Q & A
Sealing in Sap on a Pine Slab?
Before I topcoat a pine slab for use as a coffee table top, what’s the best way to seal in the liquid sap that’s still oozing out of the wood?
Best Protective Birdhouse Finish?
How do I keep a painted birdhouse’s colors from fading in the sun if I leave it out year-round? Is there a best paint to use?
When to Install a Butterfly Key?
Should I surface a cherry slab in a thickness sander to smooth its faces before or after installing a butterfly key joint?
Patch or Replace a Centerboard?
My wooden sailboat’s centerboard is shredded. I’m considering repairing the original, but it will still be a lot of work. Should I make a new one instead?
Is Toning My Best Solution?
What stain and topcoat do I need to match these two finishes? Is toning the right approach here, or should I try some other technique?
Cutting Stool’s Angled Shoulders?
How do I make a pair of angled shoulder cuts on my step stool project if my table saw blade only tilts in one direction?
Faster Box Joints Tip
Unlike every other method I’ve seen for making box joints on the table saw, I double up the workpieces instead of cutting them one at a time.
Why is Ironwood So Heavy?
What’s the scientific reason for why ironwood is so heavy? Does it have to do with slow growth and a “bunching up” property when cut?
Best Finish for Bookstore Shelves?
We want a finish for our spruce bookstore shelves that will keep them looking natural. Would an oil be the best way to go, or will it soak into the pages?