Q & A
When to Stop Resharpening Carbide Blades
Is there a time when is no longer cost-effective to have carbide blades resharpened?
Will Mineral Oil Break Down Contact Cement Bond?
Am I eventually going to see any sort of lifting along the edge of the chamfer where I applied the mineral oil?
Solutions for Ragged Routed Rabbets?
I can’t figure out what’s happening whenever I do picture frames.
Detailing, Joining Drawer Parts?
I am a beginning woodworker and need advice on what is a good beading bit for the edge of drawers, shelves etc.
Repairing Finish Damage on Trailer?
I know I probably ought to do the job by stripping the whole area and starting over, but is there a way to correct the damaged area without stripping the whole surface and starting over?
Softwood for Workbenches?
I have been working with wood for many years now, and I still wonder why so many people build hard, solid butcher-block types of shop workbench tops?
Retrofitting a Router Table for Panel-raising?
I want to make insert door panels and have purchased the router bit (big and ugly) to cut the beveled edges.
How Do You Tint Epoxy?
Could you tell me if folks sell black epoxy somewhere, or can I make some myself from regular clear epoxy?
Right Finish for Table Chargers?
I like the shiny look, but it may not happen for the others. Do you have any suggestions?
How to Avoid Sander, Planer Snipe?
Do drum sanders have the same issues with snipe as a planer does?