Q & A
What Are a Jointer’s Stock Capacities?
What is the recommended maximum length board that should be passed through a jointer (taking into consideration the length of the jointer bed)?
Should I Prime My Wagon Wheels with Linseed Oil?
Would boiled linseed oil (with dryers) still be a good sealer and base before painting with an oil-based paint?
Does Epoxy Have to Be Mixed Before Use?
I read that one can apply one part of epoxy glue to one workpiece and the other part to the other workpiece, and then put them together, rather than mixing the two parts first.
What’s the Best Way to Machine a Tenon?
Have you ever compared the “tenon” jigs/machines that are out there? I’ve done web searches but have not really come up with much info that compares tenon jigs?
Best Joinery for a Triangle?
Should all three pieces be mitered at the same angle, or the top mitered and the bottom joints be butted?
How to Design a Chair Leg Layout?
To what degree is the chair less stable, or less prone to joint stress, because of the splay and cant of the legs as compared to one with vertical and square legs?
What CAD Program Should I Use?
I want to purchase a good CAD or drawing program for my woodshop to draw cabinets and other projects.
How Should I Finish a Wine Goblet Interior?
I plan to use HUTCrystal Coat on the exterior, but what should I use on the interior?
Does a Preseparator Make Sense?
Would it make sense to buy one of the 2-1/2 inch units and run a reducer and expander on the inlet and outlet?
Matching a Stained Finish?
He’s asked me if I can match the stain color. Where do I start? Do I buy $1,000 worth of stain and try every can?