Q & A
How Do I Fix Broken Chair Joints?
Can you recommend a book or an article which would tell me everything I need to know about fixing chairs?
What is an Ellsworth Grind?
I’ve heard of something called the Ellsworth bowl gouge grind. Is this a company or way to sharpen?
How Do I Prevent Redwood Ridges?
I really like silky-smooth finishes. How can I sand to eliminate these unwanted ridges in the redwood?
Best Method for Sharpening Forstner Bits?
I use Forstner bits a lot in my woodturning projects and was wondering if you have a good/simple/best method of sharpening/caring for them?
What’s the Trick for Routing Teak?
I understand that teak is an oily wood, shouldn’t that have helped me?
Square Cuts from a Jigsaw?
How can I get a good 90-degree cut from my jigsaw?
Sharpening a Marking Knife?
Are marking knives sharpened the same way as chisels and plane irons?
How Should I Cut My Lighthouse Base?
I can’t quite figure out how to make the cuts since each side piece needs to be tapered as well as cut at an angle.
Controlling Rust in a New Shop?
It is hot and dry. I have cleaned the rust off and tried several kinds of sprays, all to no avail. Help!
Why Cut Crown Molding Upside Down and Backwards?
The experts say to place the crown molding on the saw with the bottom up (or upside down). But no one has ever explained why.