Q & A
Options for Breaking Edges?
I understand that this may be personal preference, but do you take the time to rout or shape, say, a 3/16″ or 1/8″ edge, or do you use a hand style edger, or a sander, or hand sand?
How Should I Spice Up Table Legs?
Can you give me some ideas on how to spice up the legs? I will use 4×4 or 3×3 to keep the cost down.
Where Can I Find a 220-volt Router Speed Control?
Do you know of any router speed control that is made for the European, Australian and South African market?
Should I Patch a Butcher Block Crack?
I do not have the ability to rip the joint and re-glue the top. Any suggestions on how to patch and prevent it from splitting again?
How Can I Stop My Router From Leaving Burn Marks?
I have an old Craftsman 6.5-amp router that regularly burns wood when cutting with a bearing and template, no matter how new the bit, even carbide.
Why Is My Band Saw Making Rippling Cuts?
The blades are leaving horrible, rippling-like gouges. What is causing this and how do I fix it please?
Why Are Some of My Cutting Boards Splitting?
After making four cutting boards to fit on a small workbench, three have no problems. The fourth has developed splits along the glue lines in several joints.
What’s that Stuff Growing Under the Table Finish?
There does appear to be some coloring difference where the window light would have hit. The table has not been exposed to moisture or any weather elements. Has anyone ever heard of such a thing happening to finish?
What’s Black Oak Anyway?
I have found some black oak and was wondering how it compares to white or red oak. I have never used it or ever run across it before.
Should a Rip Fence and Blade Be Parallel?
Should the fence be as parallel to the blade as possible, or should it toe into or away from the trailing edge of the blade?