Q & A
How Do I Rout Arcs on a Wooden Ball?
I would like to router arc intersecting grooves on the surface using a 3/8” ball end router bit.
Best Paint for Birdhouses?
What do you recommend to prevent the paint from peeling and the wood from rotting & cracking?
What Type of Building Makes the Best Shop?
My question is – Leaving money aside “Is a brick or metal shed better – especially in regards to moisture, inside temperature (heating and cooling), noise etc”?
What do the Markings Mean on My Pallet Lumber?
We would appreciate some interpretation of the marks, and can you advise the type of pine?
What are Some Good Wood Species for Picnic Tables?
I would appreciate knowing what your opinions are on the woods and also if you have any other reasonable priced, durable options.
Best Wood, Finish for Turning Coffee Mugs?
I’m wondering about a finish that would stand up to exposure to hot liquids without imparting any unwanted taste or toxins.
Why is the Grain Oriented Horizontally on Hand Plane Totes?
Is there any reason other than tradition for the cross-grain style of plane handles?
Where Can I Find a Five-hole Replacement Sander Pad?
I am hoping that maybe you or one of your readers might be able to steer me in the right direction
How Should I Paint My Adirondack Chairs?
What kind of paint should be used that will hold up in an outdoor environment (especially heat and sun here in southern California)?
How to Make the Most of My Old B&D Table Saw?
Would the blade thickness make a difference on the table saw? What can I do to extend the cutting area?