Q & A
Will a Knot Carving Weaken a Walking Cane?
I am very concerned the process of making the knot will compromise the strength of the shaft.
Why Do Most Table Saws Have 10-in. Blades?
Why do table saws and radial arm saws come in 10-in. blade sizes? Why not larger
How Should I Remove Light Clamp Rust?
I recently purchased a bunch of clamps from an estate sale; however, they have a slight coating of rust on them. What’s the best way to remove the rust?
How Do I Use Rail and Stile Bits?
My problem is I don’t know how to use these tools. Can you assist me on how to construct these china cabinet doors?
Can I Apply Shellac Over Tung Oil?
Can I topcoat it with shellac over the tung oil? If so, are there any steps that I should take to prepare the tung oil for the shellac?
Best Wood for Signs in Cyprus?
I would like to ask for some advice on what type of wood you would recommend for painted wooden signs?
Should I Add a Finish Over Wax?
When I remove the bark and finish hand carving the piece, I hand rub white candle wax into the grain. Would I then need to apply some other type of finish over the candle wax?
What’s a Cleaner Way to Leave My Mark?
Is there a special transfer paper that will work on wood or is there a better way to do this?
Why Are Band Saws Sized the Way They Are?
After reading and looking through numerous books, magazines, and catalogues, I find no explanation why or how they can list a saw as one size when it is not.
Best Finish for Wooden Rings?
What do you recommend for finishing rings?