Q & A
Will Wood Movement Be an Issue in My Bathroom Project?
Can I glue and pin nail 1/4″-thick boards to the side of the sink cabinet, and have them butt up against a 1/4″ face frame and not have to worry about wood movement?
CA Finish Revisited
What Roger wants to know is: if he uses cyanoacrylate as a finish in this manner, would the instrument pieces crack?
Veneering Curved-edge Cabinet Doors?
I want to add edge veneering to curved cabinet doors and I am wondering how to make the grain pattern look correct.
Bevels Up or Down on Which Planes?
When does the bevel on a plane iron face up or down?
Best Oil for Handscrew Clamps?
What kind of oil should I use on my wood handscrew clamp?
Will Wood Crack Under a CA Glue Finish?
Does cyanoacrylate expand and contract, and does it breathe, after curing, after it has been applied to wood?
How Should I Fix a Wall Crack with Limited Access?
In this case seeing is possible but not holding a caulk gun and seeing at the same time. Question is what other ways might one use to close this space?
Best Way to Make Round Tenons?
I need to cut some kind of round tenon on the plug so it can be inserted inside the post. Can your experts tell me an economical way of making this joint?
What Wood and Finish are Best for Outdoor Benches?
What type of wood and finish do you recommend to build benches for outside use?
Ironwood Uses for Woodworking?
What I want to know is, does ironwood have any use in woodworking?