Q & A
What Should This M&T Joint Style be Called?
I currently construct furniture with Southwest/Santa Fe style character.
Spiral Head Advantages?
Could you please give me a brief summary of the advantages of the spiral head over a conventional three-knife head?
Should I Refinish My Daughter’s Hope Chest?
I’m not happy about sanding it down and starting over as I don’t know if I could afford that much sandpaper.
What Does the “Quarter System” of Lumber Thickness Mean?
In an outdoor bench project, I’ve seen the measurements of 6/4, 5/4 and 4/4 and don’t quite know what it means.
How Fast Should My Jointer’s Cutterhead Spin?
What is a safe optimum rpm for a 3-3/4-in.-diameter jointer cutterhead?
Filling a Knot Void Under Veneer?
My question is: what is the best way to fill under the veneer?
Should I Sand Routed Profiles, Too?
After routing profiles on rails and stiles for a cabinet door (which will be finished natural or stained), does it…
How Do I Repair Sanded-through Veneer?
Is there any way I can get veneer to take a stain, short of sanding off all the veneer and re-veneering it?
Does Ripping and Re-gluing Fix Cupping?
Does it depend on the wood (cherry in this case), some absolute limit on width or thickness?
Why Didn’t My Second Coat of Poly Dry?
My process in applying both coats was identical — the first one worked, the second one didn’t. What happened?