Q & A
Bandsawn Circles Won’t Close?
My 9-in. band saw can’t cut closed-circle shapes, even when I use a jig to control the cut. The blade always drifts off line. How can I fix this problem?
Best Topcoat for Ipe Swing?
We’ve stained our ipe outdoor swing already, and now it’s time for a protective topcoat. What’s the best choice for this wood?
Cutting Perfect Miter Joints?
I’ve tried every setup method I can think of to get my miter gauge to cut a precise 45-degree miter, but it still isn’t accurate. What else can I try?
Why Didn’t Oak Floor Move More?
I’ve always wondered why the solid oak on my wide floor didn’t move more across the grain than it did. What are the plausible explanations?
Repairing Sanding Belts?
The taped joints on my sanding belts seem to age and fail prematurely. Is there a special glue or tape that can fix them again?
Is Tung Oil the Best Choice?
I’m inexperienced with wood finishes, so I’m thinking of using tung oil on a freestanding shelf project. Is this the simplest, best finish option for me?
Cleaning a Damaged Wood Floor?
Is there a way to clean just the damaged areas on a hardwood floor and then refinish them without completely resanding the whole floor?
When are Tack Cloths a No-No?
Tack cloths have been used by finishers for a very long time, but are there situations when a tack cloth isn’t advisable or even detrimental to finishing?
Removing Mineral Spirits from Varnish?
A recent “Finishing Thoughts” article suggested filling varnish cans with mineral spirits to prevent crusting. But, how do you remove the spirits later?
Using Shellac Inside and Outside of a Project?
Shellac has a place on a dresser. Our expert examines whether that place is in the drawer interiors, or on the dresser top.