Q & A
How Do You Use Winding Sticks?
Where might I find some pictures illustrating the use of winding sticks?
Edges Cracking On Outdoor Plywood
The problem I seem to be running into is that everything we made over the winter was put out this spring and, within months, the edges of the painted and varnished boards are peeling and splitting.
Sealing Plywood Edges with Paint?
I do a number of yard shadows each year, along with other projects using plywood. When painting plywood, the edges…
How to Prevent Twist in a Torsion Box?
When making up the Torsion Box work surface or any other made-up workbench top, how do we handle twist or racking?
What’s that Shiny Area on a Throatplate For?
I have noticed on newer model table saws that the far portion of the throat plate has a mirror-bright finish across the plate and for about 3″ of length.
Radial Arm Saw Safe for Dadoing?
How well and safe would it be to use a dado blade set up on a radial arm saw?
Green vs. “Wet” Wood?
For the purposes of woodworking, is there a difference between wood that is wet and wood that is green?
Why Did My Pine Panel Warp?
We live in east central Wisconsin so we do have variable humidity. I could understand the lid expanding but why would it warp after sanding it?
How Should I Finish My Cedar Vanity?
I have constructed a vanity made entirely from aromatic cedar and would like to apply a finish to the outside. My question is: what would be the best finish to use?
Why Did My Base Coat Wrinkle?
Could you shed a little light on what base coats and top coats are compatible with each other, and which to stay away from?