Q & A
How do I Stain Wood Filler to Match Surrounding Wood?
Blending wood filler is a skill mastered by experience and experimentation.
Best Blade for My Radial Arm Saw?
Where can I find information about good radial arm saw blades?
How Do I Convert an AC Lathe Motor to Variable Speed?
I need to slow my dad’s old lathe down. Can I convert it to variable speed?
Best Way to Make a New Base?
My hand-carved statue has a rotted base. How should I best replace it?
How Should I Refinish My Humidor?
I’m considering French polishing my humidor’s damaged finish, but is that the best choice?
Why Did My Tabletop Boards Crack?
House siding boards seemed like a good idea for a tabletop, but they’ve since cracked. Why did that happen?
Which Rip Fence Should I Buy?
Which aftermarket rip fence should I buy for my old Craftsman table saw?
What’s the Best Shop Flooring?
I can choose a floor for my new shop, but what’s the best choice?
Why is My Resawing Not Working?
No matter what I try, I can’t resaw effectively against a resaw post. What am I doing wrong?