Q & A
How should I Prep a Carpeted Floor for Built-in Bookcases?
Can I install built-in bookcases over a carpeted floor?
Why is My Band Saw Blade Slipping?
My band saw blade slips when the saw is cutting. What can I do to remedy the problem?
Best Way to Make Wooden Puzzles from Pictures?
I want to preserve my granddaughter’s colored pictures as puzzles. How should I make them?
How Do I Fix Sticking Blast Gates?
My dust collection system suffers from blast gates that stick. How do I improve them?
Big Panel Joint: Should I Use Dowels or Biscuits?
I need to glue up two big cedar planks and want to reinforce the joint with dowels or biscuits. Which option is better?
I Need a New Small Footprint Table Saw. Recommendations?
My old small-footprint table saw needs to be replaced. What new model would suit my needs?
What’s the Best Glue to Use for a Cutting Board?
What’s the best glue choice for a butcher-block cutting board?
Do I Have to Use an HVLP in Order to Spray Finish?
Is my spray gun and compressor suitable for wood finishes, or do I need an HVLP sprayer instead?
What’s the Best Way to Add Lettering to a Project?
I want to add lettering to my projects, but my hand-painted efforts look so unprofessional. Any suggestions?
Is My Oily Mesquite Ruined?
I’ve spilled citronella oil on some mesquite. How can I fix it so I can finish it properly?