Q & A
How Can I Improve My Part Duplicating Efforts?
I’m not having great success with my jigsaw cutting accuracy. What can I do?
Keeping Purpleheart Purple?
Purpleheart turns brown when I sand or turn it. How can I prevent that from happening?
Will a Mahogany Outdoor Lattice Table Survive?
I want to make an outdoor side table from mahogany scraps. Is this a good idea?
How Should I Refinish an Ash Table Suffering from Sticky Varnish?
Should I strip the old waterbased varnish from my table, or could I apply new finish over the old instead?
Finishing Trivets with Tung Oil?
Is tung oil a good choice for trivets that will be used around the house?
What’s a Good Removable Adhesive for Vinyl Wainscoting?
The glue that holds the advertising cover on my magazine might work. What is it?
Any Tricks for Peeling the Backing from Carpet Tape?
The backing layer just doesn’t lift off of carpet tape easily for me. What am I doing wrong?
Which Nail Guns Should I Own?
I want to invest in a brad nailer or two. Which ones are best for general woodworking?
Does Changing Speeds on a R.O. Sander Make a Difference?
I can’t see a difference in surface smoothness when I change sander speeds. Do we really need this feature?