Q & A
Why Don’t the TV Guys Use Sliding Panel Saws?
Sliding panel saws are more accurate than regular table saws, right?
What Block Plane Style Should I Buy?
Which is a better first purchase: standard or low-angle style?
Why Did Shellac Discolor My Red Oak?
At first the shellac behaved normally, but then it darkened my oak. What happened?
How Do You Color Wood Filler?
Is it okay to mix stain or paint into wood filler to color it?
When is a Knife a Better Way to Mark Lines?
Why use a knife rather than a pencil to mark lines on wood?
What’s the Life Span of an Air Compressor?
Is my 22-year-old air compressor still safe to use?
Are Lithium-ion Tool Batteries Really Safe?
What’s the risk of fire when using or recharging tool batteries?
How Do You Peel Off the Backing from Double-sided Tape?
I need a better method for removing backing from carpet tape. Any ideas?
How Can I Stop a CNC from Duplicating My Projects?
My CNC Swordfish is running amok! It’s the dark work of artificial intelligence!
How to Deal with Fret Saw Grief
Most people find woodworking to be a relaxing hobby, but I can’t stand to do it for more than a few minutes at a time. All the small details and intricate cuts that my projects require have me wanting to throw all my tools in the trash!