Q & A
An Alternative to Polyurethane Finish?
This woodworker isn’t happy with how his poly finish came out, so what are his other options?
Tuning a Jointer?
Simon Watts and Rob Johnstone share their experience in setting up a new jointer.
Forstner Bit Burning at 600+ RPM?
Why does a Forstner bit running at 600rpm cause burning to the wood it’s cutting.
Finish for Birds Eye Maple?
This question revolves around highlighting maple’s grain.
The “Golden Ratio” for Designing Furniture?
This woodworker gets a full analysis of what the “Golden Rule” is in designing furniture.
Making Box Joints without Dado?
How accurate can you cut your box joints without a dado blade?
Finishing Question for Quartersawn White Oak?
What finish should be used on quartersawn white oak projects?
Building a Panel Saw?
Our experts offer advice on saving money and building your own panel saw.
Best Polyurethane against the Paws and Claws of Dogs?
Our experts offer tips for protecting your wood floors against the terrors of man’s best friend.
Finishing Question for Quartersawn White Oak?
What finish should be used on quartersawn white oak projects?