Q & A
Do Experts Want More Tools?
Do expert woodworkers want more tools for their workshop?
Where to Buy Hand Screw Clamps
A New Zealander looks to buy some non-parallel clamping solutions.
Safe Hinge for Toy Boxes?
This toy box projects needs a hinge that’s functional but also safe for kids.
How Tight Should a Dovetail Fit Be?
This woodworker and his son just cut a bunch of dovetails successfully, but they are having an argument about how tight the dovetails should fit, especially as the cold weather sets in and the humidity goes down.
Using Basswood for Furniture?
This woodworker knows basswood is preferred by carvers, but is it any good as lumber for furniture?
Best Wood for Steam Bending?
Is there an ideal wood for steam bending, assuming you had a project where you could choose any wood?
Getting an Even Stain on End Grain?
Michael Dresdner tells you the best way to get an even finish on end grain.
What Is a Router Plane?
What is a router plane and how does it work? This reader wants to know.
Finishing the Inside of an Armoire?
A reader seeks advice on how to get an even finish on an armoire without ending with stinky clothes.
When Is Wet Sanding Appropriate?
How and when should you do wet sanding?