Q & A
Opinions on a Shaper/Router?
I’m just wondering; what are your opinions on this versus the other table available? Pros and cons.
Filling Old Nail Holes
How do you go about filling a “zillion” nail holes?
When Does It Need Sharpening Redux?
In another question about how to tell if your blade has dulled, a reader asks how to hook up an amp meter to his blade.
Problems with Miter Cuts
A woodworker seeks advice for making cuts with a compound miter saw.
Made in the USA?
This woodworker struggles to fulfill his dream of a shop filled with American made tools.
Getting out Glue Spots?
What’s the best way to remove glue spots that show up during staining?
When Does a Blade Need Sharpening?
What’s the easiest way to tell if your blade is getting dull?
Using a Router or Table Saw to Cut Dadoes?
Is the router or table saw the best place to cut your dadoes?
Can You Use a Tanning Bed to Darken Cherry?
Finally, another use for those tanning bed coupons you have laying around the house.
How to Get a Rich Amber Finish?
A reader wonders what finish professionals use to get a golden amber look.