Q & A
Pine Wood Staining Problem
Rob Johnstone and Michael Dresdner solve some issues a reader has with staining pine.
Gouging Oak on a Lathe
A turner seeks advice for working with oak on a lathe.
Cutting Plywood Dadoes Across the Grain
Why is this woodworker getting tearout when trying to cut plywood dadoes?
Making a Compound Miter Saw Simple
A reader is looking for advice for reading up on her husband’s complicated miter saw.
Filling Open Grain Woods
Michael Dresdner offers advice to a reader looking to get a glossy finish on open grained wood.
Is it Cherry or Fake?
A woodworker worries that furniture he was told was cherry might be a substitute.
Direct vs. Indirect Saw Motors
Besides price, what is the real difference between direct and indirect saw motors?
Are There Carbide Dentures?
Can you repair a broken tooth on a carbide saw blade?
Where to Sharpen Carbide Blades
Where can you send your carbide saw blades to get sharpened?
The Difference Between Shapers and Routers
Is a cheap shaper table just as effective as a similar router and router table?