Q & A
Matching Bare Wood to a Finished Floor
What is the best way to blend the unfinished flooring with the finished? Would using a handheld belt sander be a satisfactory way to attack the problem?
A Protective Coating Over Tung Oil
I am making two kitchen tables: one out of red oak, the other out of hard maple. I want the natural wood look with low gloss, so I plan on rubbing in quite a few coats of tung oil finish.
Anti-Freeze for Green Wood
A few years back, I read an article in a woodworking magazine where anti-freeze was used to cure green wood. I can’t remember the procedure. Do you know anything about this?
Non-Standard Miter Cuts
If I needed a 90 degree angle, I would cut two 45s, so with a 110 degree angle, I need to cut two 55s but my miter only allows up to a 45 degree cut. So how do I make this cut?
Router or Shaper
I found several small shapers in the 1 to 1-1/2 hp range priced about the same as heavy-duty routers. Are these small shapers suitable for panel raising?
Attaching a Mantel
I have been asked to mount a mantle on a rough fieldstone fireplace. There is no obvious place to fasten it. The shelf will have two right angle brackets set to keep it from tilting down. Any better ideas?
Stuck Latch Pin Handle
More recent radial arm saws have additional locking mechanisms, but they are fairly obvious. Sears has not been of any help so far. Any suggestions?
Typewriter Ribbon Water Stain
I’ve noticed that certain “stains” penetrate deeper, e.g., a rusty water stain. Any idea why these stains penetrate deeper than solvent or other waterbased stains?
Wood Losing Color
The ever-present “Sunlight is making my wood lose it’s color!” complaint is addressed here by Michael Dresdner, with some new concepts and ideas to consider.
Book Learning for Woodworking?
What can I do to really get serious about woodworking? Online courses? Or is there a book with true illustrations and all the steps included?