Q & A
Getting Straight Cuts With A Jig Saw
Whenever I use the jig saw I find it difficult to keep the blade cutting ninety degrees to the base. The blade always seems to deflect.
Glue 101
How strong is wood glue? Do I need screws and glue? Do I use just glue and clamp? Why does most glue go on both pieces of wood?
Illogical Jointer Set-up
This reader had a frustrating time figuring the set-up of his older, out of manufacture jointer. Michael Dresdner and Ellis Walentine offer their expert advice.
Ready for a Router
I’m a beginner of 1-1/2 years. I think I’ve made everything that can be made without a router. I have no idea how to start learning about this.
Finish for Cedar
I am a novice woodworker who enjoys working with aromatic cedar. I would like to know the process or the finish that can be applied to keep the fresh sanded look.
Finishing Oak-faced Plywood
Does it make a difference if the finish is water-based or oil-based? What about just building up the finish with polyurethane?
Is a Square Really Square?
How can I tell if my squares are really 90 degrees square? I have a speed square, a try square and a construction square. Each have their own version of what is square and none of them are exactly the same.
New Blade for an Old Saw
Hollow-ground planer blades work great, but finding a carbide blade that cuts smooth without splintering is not working out (and getting expensive) and blades for compound miter saws do not work well.
Amperage for Cabinet Saw
Even though I am not an electrician, I intend to wire the circuit myself since I have done this before with no problems. Does anyone know what the amperage rating for the 3hp motor is?
Band Saw Won’t Cut Straight
I cannot get my Delta 9″ band saw to rip a 3-1/2 piece of wood straight no matter how tight I set the blade guides. The bottom cut takes off to the side.