Q & A
Building Workbenches with MDF?
I have a couple of questions about making a workbench with a laminated top of MDF. Would it stay stable and flat?
Biscuit Joints or Mortise and Tenon?
I was wondering if biscuit joints would be as good as mortise and tenon joints. I don’t have a mortising tool, and I haven’t had any luck with handmade mortise joints.
Cutting Kerfs for Hand Re-Sawing
When I tried cutting kerfs using 3/4″ pine, the board fell through the slot around the blade. Is there a way to do it that would hold it in place while I make the kerfs?
What to Do with Oak Fence Boards
Can I make furniture from these boards; how should I store the boards; and will there be any moisture problems?
Correct Way for Gluing Dovetails?
What is the correct way to glue up dovetails? There are so many surfaces coated with glue, it’s always a mess with lots of squeeze-out cleanup afterward.
Dealing with Exterior Rot
A painted turned support post on my covered porch is starting to rot at the base. Other than removing the post, can you recommend a method of repairing the rot?
Finish for a Workbench
I’m not going to stain my workbench. I would like to have either a high polish oil look or glossy surface. What’s best for a cabinetmaking workbench?
Mounting Drill Press Chuck
I’ve been attempting to mount a standard Jacobs chuck on the tapered spindle of my drill press. But every time I put stress on the chuck, both chuck and bit come free of the spindle.
Re-sawing Wood Without a Band Saw
I’m considering an Irwin handsaw because it seems like its thin blade would make it easier to slice through wood. Is my assumption about thinness correct?
Questions about Buying and Selling Wood
We paired up a couple of questions since they represented the yin and yang of wood commerce.