Q & A
Router Bits from China
I see a lot of router bits made in China — none branded — which appear to be bargains when it comes to price and appear to be well made. Are they a good buy or should I pass them by?
Squaring Mortise and Tenon Bits
Concerning the mortise and tenon attachment being used on a drill press, how or what is the best way to square the fence to the drill bit?
A Carpenter is Ready for the Next Step
I have tried getting into cabinet shops, but nobody seems to want to hire me (yet), although I still would much rather go to school for a fine furniture and design course or something. Do you have any suggestions?
Does Age Make Wood Harder?
I have been given some oak wood that is very dense and almost as hard to saw as steel. It wears out saws, saw blades, and router bits as if they were wood and the material was steel – not vice versa.
Jointing with a Router Table
To use a router table as a jointer, do you recommend using a spiral bit or a straight bit for the edges? Or is there is a better way?
Making a Dollhouse Fence?
Whenever I drill the 16mm dowel with a 9mm drill it ends up exploding out the back like a 9mm exit wound. Any ideas on a jig?
Difference Between Jointer and Planer
I only work with pine at this point, which as you know, is often bowed or otherwise warped enough to see the curvature. So do I want a jointer or a planer to correct this?
Refurbishing a Workbench
I have inherited my grandfather’s old woodworking bench. I have a lot of emotional attachment to it and wonder if there’s a way of renewing the surface to get rid of the nicks, scratches and so forth.
Re-Sawing Oak On A Band Saw
The local tool store guy recommended a carbide blade for about $120. I still have a lot of resawing to do; what blade should I use?
Biscuits Per Foot of Wood?
How many biscuits should you use per foot of wood? The wise woodworking experts give a quick and easy rule to remember about biscuits.