Q & A
Help Sheet Tilter
I recently had shoulder reconstruction due to too much heavy lifting. Can anybody assist me with a design for a home made mechanical helper to tilt a sheet (8 x 4) feet of MDF from a vertical position to a horizontal position?
Upright Drill Jig Suggestions?
What kind of a jig can you suggest to hold a square column upright to drill a perfectly perpendicular hole with the drill press?
Portable Table Saw Scoring Wood
Is there something slippery you could recommend to coat the aluminum surface that would put a stop to burrs? I have a similar problem on my 6″ Delta jointer.
Sharpen Straight Edge Chisels
I try and try to sharpen my chisels on my grinder but I never get a straight sharp edge. Aside from an expensive jig, is there another way to do this?
Small Spray Booth
Do I need a special sort of fan “with an enclosed motor” or can I safely use a standard window fan? Also, are the fumes from lacquer and paint heavier or lighter than air: in other words, should I position the vent of my spray booth high or low?
Basement Woodworking Shop
The basement is dry, but can get humid on occasion. Should I be concerned about my woodworking equipment rusting? If so, what can I do to prevent it?
How to Fix a Gapping Door
Unfortunately, the mortise-tenon joint nearest the lockset has opened a gap of about 1/8 inch between the rail and the style. In addition to looking bad, this makes the door hard to close.
Mouse-Stained Wood
Unfortunately, one of my boxes of cedar trim housed a family of mice for a few months and they urinated on several pieces of the cedar trim. Do you have any ideas how I could clean this?
Odd-Size Band Saw Blades?
I have looked in the Grizzly catalog and a few others only to find that the sizes jump from 85″ to 93″. Do they make a 92 inch band saw blade?
Bad Birch or Bad Bits: Bad Results
I am attempting to make decorative edges on picture frames that I have made from birch. The results have been less than desirable. I get lots of tearout and marred wood. What can I do?