Q & A
Shop Layout Ideas
I want to set up a shop in a 48 by 24 barn loft, but I am so accustomed to reading prints, I seem to have no imagination. Could you please direct me to a good shop layout plan which I can study?
Altering Plans
If I use plans from a book or other source, and the book states that these are not to be made for profit, and I alter the plans, does this still apply?
Pine Bleeding
I’ve had some difficulty with bleeding on pine. I’ve tried varnish-based primers, but none seem to do the trick. Is there a product or technique that you could recommend?
Hope Chest Finish
I used boiled linseed oil and varnish to finish a hope chest. Is there some way to get the smell of the linseed oil out of the inside of the chest?
Liquid to Use While Sharpening
Is there some sort of liquid I can use to float the metal away when I use my ceramic whetstone for sharpening chisels and plane irons?
Wood for Remodeling a Bathroom
I am remodeling my bathroom, and want to put a wood floor grid in the shower over a concrete floor. What kind of wood should I use, and what finish, if any, should I put on it?
Using Finish on Purpleheart
I’m in the process of building a baker’s rack with purpleheart on the top. What type of finish will maintain the purple color and still be tough?
Drilling Doweled Legs
Is there an accurate, simple way to drill 3/4 inch holes for doweled legs at an eight degree angle, such as on a rocking horse?
Gluing Walnut Strips
I built an oak trunk, finished in polyurethane. Can I glue walnut strips over the polyurethane with Gorilla Glue and expect them to stay fastened?
Using Lye to Darken Wood
Do you know of any formula or procedure for using lye to darken wood?