Q & A
Edge Routing by Hand
When I use my router in its table, I do fine, but when I use it by hand for edge routing, it skips and jumps around. Can you help?
Fraction Plan Measurements
I’m wondering why all plans to build wood furniture all have measurements ending in fractions such as 5/16, 3/8, 15/16ths etc. Why not round off to even numbers?
Glue Top Workbenches
Nearly all the plans for workbenches that I’ve seen use a top which is laminated by gluing strips of timber together, even to the extent of ripping wider boards and then re-gluing them together. Why is that?
Scary Sharp System
Michael Dresdner answers a reader’s question on what is referred to as a “Scary Sharp” sharpening system.
Glue for a Butch Block Countertop
I want to make my own butcher block countertop. What kind of glue should I use?
Drilling Holes in Rip Fence
Table saw fences don’t come with holes already there, the way miter guides do. Is it OK to drill holes in a rip fence to attach an auxiliary or sacrificial fence?
Finishing Mahogany Deck Furniture
Greg Williams gives this reader a few thoughts to consider when choosing a finish for outdoor furniture.
Painted Lumber with Planer
I was given a 12″ planer for Christmas. Is it OK to run painted oak through it? I’ve double-checked to ensure there are no nails or screws in the lumber, but wonder if the finish on the wood will dull the cutters.
Suggestions for Woodworking Software
Can you suggest a simple woodworking software program that a novice woodworker, not a computer geek, can understand? One that also generates a cut sheet would be nice.
Router Collet Removal
Recently, I have had increasing difficulty in removing the collet from my router. The bit now requires a swift whack with a piece of wood to dislodge it. I have tried cleaning where the collet seats in the router, but with no real improvement.