Q & A
Shim and Spacer Supplies
Michael Dresdner acquiants one reader with a variety of resources for buying shims and spacers.
Material in ‘Treated’ Wood
What new material is being used in treating wood that is called “treated”?
Baby Cradle Finish
What finish would you recommend to use on a baby cradle?
Does Melamine-Laminated MDF Exist?
No more crazy looks for this reader – easy tips to end the search for MDF laminated with melamine.
Treating the Routed Ends of MDF
How can I treat the routed ends of MDF so they come out smooth under paint?
Waterstones and Oilstones: What’s the Difference?
Is there such a thing as a waterstone and an oilstone? Are they different, or can a stone be used with either oil or water?
Collecting Chips from a Lathe
How does one attach dust collection to a lathe to get the majority of the chips?
Fading Finish on an Exterior Door
I finished an exterior door two weeks ago, and it has already started to fade from the sun. What should I have done to prevent this from happening?
Where to Borrow Woodworking Videos
Do you have or know of a library that has videos and/or CDs on topics such as dovetailing?
Food-Safe Finishes
I’m looking for a food-safe finish that will also seal any wood-boring bugs into the wood pieces or keep them from boring into finished pieces.