Q & A
Reliving Power Tool Batteries
I recall seeing somewhere that you can revive old power tool batteries. Is that true, and if so, how?
Applying Wood Conditioner
I used wood conditioner and got good results on a door. I’d like to stain a second time after waiting overnight. Do I need a second application of wood conditioner?
A Small, Square Hole
I want to make a small square hole through a piece of wood. Is there a tool that will do that?
Lathe Speeds for Different Woods
Do I need to change speeds on my lathe for harder or softer woods?
What’s a Fly Cutter?
What is a drill press fly cutter and how do you use one?
Removing Rusty Nail Stains
I was able to rescue some 100-year-old peroba do campo wood roof beams in quite good condition except for irregular black stains around holes made by old iron nails.
Best Glue for a Cutting Board
What’s the best glue to use for a cutting board?
Alligator Skin Crackle Finishes
I don’t know the actual name, but I want to hand brush a finish on wood that looks like alligator skin. Can you help?
Left-Tilt vs. Right-Tilt
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a left-tilt table saw versus a right-tilt?
Figuring Board Feet
I’m confused about figuring out board feet. How do you calculate board feet?