More on the Web
Disabled Turning Resources
The resources available for woodworkers with disabilities is rapidly expanding. Turning expert Ernie Conover has collected an excellent list of resources for disabled turners, which you can find here.
More Advice for Heating Your Workshop
In the April issue of Woodworker’s Journal, Sandor Nagyszalanczy offered some cool tips for keeping your shop warm during the winter months.
Creating Secondary Bevels on Bowl Gouges
Ernie Conover shows the technique for creating some popular secondary bevels for your woodturning shop.
Art Deco Cabinet Router Jig
Sandor Nagyszalanczy explains how to build and use the jig he created for his Art Deco Cabinet project from the March/April 2014 issue of Woodworker’s Journal.
Accordion Lamp Drawings
The drawings used to create the Accordion Lamp project from the April 2014 issue of Woodworker’s Journal can be found here.
Techniques for Making a Candlestand Table
Ernie Conover expands on his project from the January/February 2014 issue of Woodworker’s Journal Magazine, showing off some techniques for creating a stunning, turned table.
Swing Out Panel Storage
Having trouble finding a good place to keep large panels and pieces of scrap in your workshop? Chris Marshall may have just the solution for you.
Ready2Rout Router Table Fence
Our friends at Rockler recorded a video explaining the features of the Ready2Rout Router Table Fence that was featured in the January/February 2014 issue of our magazine.
Convertible Bed/Desk
Rob Johnstone explores the features of the convertible bed and desk project featured in the January/February 2014 issue of Woodworker’s Journal Magazine.
Computers in the Workshop
We’ve put together a list of some of the computer software, websites and tools that Sandor Nagyszalanczy suggests for a high-tech workshop.