Workshop Organization and Storage
Organizer for Handled Tools
Have you ever found yourself sorting through a stack of tools trying to find just the one you’re looking for? Maybe this reader’s cheap and simple organizer is just the thing you need.
Building a New Workbench
There’s a time in every woodworker’s life when folding stands and rickety tables just won’t do. When you’re ready for a real workbench with a solid top and sturdy legs, consider building it yourself.
Portable Tool Storage Cabinet
Moveable storage that keeps your tools organized and readily at hand.
Setting Up a Woodturning Shop
If you’re thinking of getting started in woodturning, here are some great guidelines. Our expert breaks down the “must-have” tools from the “nice to have” and even includes a few of his “dream shop” favorites.
Swing-out Panel Storage
In just under five feet of wall space, this pivoting cart can stow lots of full-size sheet goods and cutoffs. Just swing it out for easy access to either side.
How to Build a Downdraft Sanding Cart
Right-sized, loaded with features and ready for double-duty in your shop, this downdraft table is designed around specialty panels that hold your wood steady and protect it while sanding.
How to Keep Your Shop Cool
There are many ways to make a shop cooler and more comfortable.
Best Ways to Heat a Workshop
How much heat do you need? What are the most popular heating appliances and systems used in woodworking shops? We’ll help you answer those questions.