Tricks of the Trade
Ultimate Glue Bottle
To keep costs down, I buy my wood glue by the gallon and then decant it into smaller bottles.
Durable Push Sticks
I like to make push sticks that not only do their job but also feel comfortable to the hand.
Perfect Miters
I’m in the picture frame business and came up with this simple idea to ensure perfect miters every time.
Gripping the Bowl
I was having problems finishing the underside of bowls because I could find no way to hold them securely after removing them from the face plate.
Cross Hair Accurate
I made an improvement to my router table that has revolutionized my routing.
Shop-made Knobs
A new jig or clamping device often needs adjustment and locking screws, and here’s how to make your own.
Just Follow the Band Saw Kerf
I do a lot of spindle turning on the lathe and prepare the stock by cutting both ends square.
Instant Vise Jaw Relief
When you clamp work in your bench vise that doesn’t match the width of the jaws, or uses one side only, you risk racking the jaws because of the uneven pressure.
Table Saw Safety Switch
I installed the rather large safety switch shown below a few months ago and it works so well that now I can’t imagine how I got along without it.
Beading Boards
I wanted the “beaded” look for some oak cabinet doors but didn’t have any molding planes or router bits.