Tricks of the Trade
More Cold Weather Shop Solutions
My cold weather storage isn’t just for glue.
Another Tip to Save Your Sanders
After watching the video on saving your disk sanders sand disk about using a cork it made me think of another inexpensive way to save it.
A Cost Effective Crack Filler
Many of us 2-part epoxy to fill and stabilize voids or cracks in wood. In my case I work with a lot of figured and live edged Big Leaf Maple.
Slow and Steady Cuts the Board
I discovered that this cutting surge was not caused by soft wood.
Mark Your Templates
In my home shop I use a lot of home-made jigs, guides and templates.
Cold Weather Glue Storage
This trick keeps the cold in during the summer and keeps it out during the winter.
Safer Blade Cleaning
One needn’t use something as strong as oven cleaner. “Jungle Jake” or a host of other cleaning solutions work just as well.
Keeping Pocket Hole Screws in Position
Everyone knows the problem of pieces moving from their proper positions when joining them with Kreg pocket hole screws.
Mobile Dust Collection
I use a Dust Deputy to keep mine clean but found it difficult to drag the shop vac and dust deputy from machine to machine.
Don’t Lose That Tube
Aerosol spray cans for lubricants (WD40, Brake Free, various parts cleaners, etc.) come with little spray nozzle tubes taped to the side of the can.