Tricks of the Trade
A Palatable Shop Solution
Is your spouse bugging you about spending too much time in the shop? Been there. Solved the problem.
A Simple Reminder to Tension Your Band Saw Blade
A simple reminder sign will extend the life of your band saw wheels and blades.
Taking a Closer Look Inside Your Machines
When you need to check inside a machine or cabinet, a mobile phone works great as a replacement for a dental mirror.
Cheap Glue Spreader
Need a quick way to evenly spread glue on a broad surface?
Get a Firmer Grip on Your Clamps
F-style clamps can be difficult to grip, especially if you don’t have strong hands. Here’s a simple tip to modify your clamp handle so that you can use a wrench to give you added turning force.
Turning Old Tech into New Magnets
A reader unearths a few rare magnets from his outdated technology.
How to Prevent Sticky Router Bits
I’ve seen about a zillion methods for un-sticking router bits. Why don’t we prevent them from getting stuck in the first place?
Keeping Router Collar Guides Tight
A loose router guide collar can result in less accurate routing or even ruin your bit. Plumbing thread tape can help keep your router guide collar from loosening.
Marking Your Cords
I like to use those little plastic tabs that come on a loaf of bread to hold the bag closed.
How to Keep Bits Dry
These little things protect against rusty bit problems.