Tricks of the Trade
Bags Keep Your Finish Fresher
This reader’s solution to preventing his finish from drying out in the can is surprisingly simple, but extremely effective.
Another Way to Cut Veneer
This reader didn’t want to buy a specialized tool just to cut thin veneer, so he turned to a tool from another hobby to do the job just as well.
VIDEO: Substitutes for Mahogany
Mahogany is many woodworker’s favorite woods to work with, but it’s not always available when or where you need it.
A Quick Trim for Binding Drawer Slides
Have you ever made a drawer slightly too wide so that the slides bind? This reader did and he shares his solution.
Test Fitting Dowel Joints
Dry-fitting a dowel joint is a must before you glue it together, but the dowels are made to such tight tolerances that they can get stuck in their holes. This reader has a solution.
VIDEO: A Cleaner Way to Putty Nail Holes
A reader’s tip makes cleaning up excess wood putty a thing of the past, using something all of us already have in our workshops. Chris Marshall explains in this Tricks of the Trade video.
Use a Bar Clamp as a Planing Backstop
Holding a box or drawer for final planing can be a challenge if your bench doesn’t have a vise or bench dog holes. This reader has a solution.
DIY Wood Stain
An antique furniture restorer shares an old recipe for making a rich nut-brown wood stain.
Locate Holes More Accurately with a Scratch Awl
It’s easier to center your drill bits on a hole location when the center has been marked with a scratch awl.
Turning Your Chuck the Right Way
Do you ever get confused about which way to turn your drill press chuck key for tightening or loosening? This reader shares a simple tip to help you never forget.