Reducing Shop Noise
A firefighter reacts very negatively to a suggestion about shop noise reduction, a reader reacts very positively to a new tool and more.
Matching Bare Wood to a Finished Floor
Frequent correspondent George Lathbury noted that achieving a good match today wouldn’t guarantee that it will still match over time.
Detailing a Corner Sanding Solution
Quite a few readers thought they had a better solution to a question about non-standard miter cuts. Plus more readers’ responses.
Wood Losing Color
During a class on making segmented bowls, Bruce Ferguson learned that Bullfrog sunscreen had the highest UV rating. He also heard that the sunscreen goes on first, and the finish goes on when the sunscreen dries.
Long vs. Short Belt Drives
Readers offer their thoughts on drive belts, raised panels, creating concave joints, dust protection, drip-free gluing and more in this edition of Feedback.
Concave Joints
Woodworker’s Journal eZine readers submit their own commentary on raising grain with water, SmartWood, and concave joints.
Feedback on Free Plans
Some great last-minute project stories, bench height suggestions, and responses to the FreePlans letter make up this issues Reader’s Response section.
Feedback on a Cooling Rack
This Reader’s Response includes comments on loose bench chisels, our previous article on Rigid, and circular saws for leftys.
Luis Costa’s Unique Murals
Luis Costa, tung oil finish, left-tilt blades, and bench dogs are all addressed in this section where readers voice their opinions on our eZine.
Dissolving Old Glue Feedback
Adding on to our expert’s commentary on dissolving old glue, these knowledgeable woodworkers offer even more suggestions.