Single-Use Tools Still Rule
After reading our discussion on Multipurpose vs. Dedicated Tools, Redmond Blair shared his experience with a Shopsmith. He found the table saw to be the weakest component, especially for cutting angles.
More Comments on JET Customer Service
Our article on JET Tools and a subsequent reader’s comment on JET customer service stirred up a few additional comments from our readers.
Comments on JET Customer Service
After reading how JET was reorganized to meet a growing interest in woodworking, John E. Brady wondered what the company was doing about customer service.
Readers Like our Steve Blenk Story
A couple of Southern hemisphere residents wrote to comment out our reference to the season in our latest Free Plans mailing.
A Woodworker Describes His Unique Challenges
Rhode Islander David Albrektson has been a woodworker for 30 years, he’s now legally blind (with light perception only), but hasn’t let that slow down his interest.
Reader Suggests Caution around Cedar Dust
After reading Finish for Cedar, James Deigan wrote to share some of the health hazards a woodworker could faces while working with aromatic lumber.
A Reader Shares His Experience Running a Hobby Shop on an Air Force Base
Donald R. Siegel shared his experience running a hobby shop for his fellow soldiers and their dependents in 1972-73. A 100% disabled veteran, we thank Donald for sharing the story and for his service to our country!
Second Opinion on Piercing with Wood
As a doctor, Sean Rosenbaum knows about infections. And as a woodworker he has crafted sets of plugs for friends with large holes in their ears.
Better Preparation for the Woodworking Shows
A reader from Columbus, Ohio prepares for a woodworking show, a warning on static electricity and more reader responses from the last eZine.
Old Growth Timber
According to one of our readers, in regions having long growing seasons, more than one annual ring can be added to both fast- and slow-growing trees.