Our Readers Keep Us on Our Toes
We heard from a few readers who had more ideas about how to sharpen straight edge chisels. Plus a reader’s take on Michael Dresner’s spray booth.
Mouse Stained Wood
Vermin articles continued to draw attention, as we received a couple of comments in response to the advice given the woodworker with Mouse Stained Wood.
Rob’s Buzz Off: New Hope for Outdoor Woodworkers
The Tool Preview in the last issue brought responses from several others who have battled bugs in order to do their woodworking.
Black and Decker / Rockler Expands
We heard from several readers who had comments about Black & Decker’s purchase of the Pentair Tools Group, which was covered in our last eZine.
PVC Dust Collection Systems
After reading our experts’ opinions on Metal vs. PVC in DC Systems, readers felt comfortable about making up their own minds on the relative safety of the two systems.
Carpenter’s PAL
Woodworkers chime in with their responses to previous eZine issues, commenting on everything from Freedom Pens to Carpenter’s PAL.
Shellac is Still Explosive
Strange stories abound as the discussion about exploding shellac continues.
Kiwi Reader Debunks ‘Expired’ Exploding Shellac
Readers comment on the exploding shellac incident, and have a few opinions concerning past articles.
Readers Admire Jonathan Simon
Cappy wrote to congratulate Jonathan Simon on finding his niche. He thought that Jonathan’s spoons were handsome and liked the idea of a craftsman going into business.
Single-Use Tools Still Rule
After reading our discussion on Multipurpose vs. Dedicated Tools, Redmond Blair shared his experience with a Shopsmith. He found the table saw to be the weakest component, especially for cutting angles.