Reviews, Questions and (sigh) More Metric
Bear in mind that this segment is presented for your amusement. We are not quite as clueless as you might suspect, though our daughter insists we are.
Metric Mania, Misspellings
The heated debate concerning the metric system continues, and readers wonder about “Caucasian Walnut Dressers.”
Fear of the Metric System
Some interesting opinions abound concerning the metric system, and readers comment on other magazine issues.
Opinions. Suggestions. Thoughts.
Readers share their opinions on Awlgrip, post a few links to exciting CAD and cut list programs, and discuss avoiding snipe.
Dark Thoughts and Bright Ideas
At last, poetry that has a real message. My collegiate poetry teacher would flip in her grave if she read these poems.
I Think That I Shall Never See, A Poem as Lovely as a Tree
Our poetry contest turned out to be a big success. When all was said and done, we had 25 pages worth of woodworking poems!
Sympathy, Suggestions and…Sorry
The sad news of the death of our dear friend, fellow woodworker, and Contributing Editor Steve Blenk continues to draw sympathy from our kind and caring readers. Here are a few examples.
Yes, Yes: We Must Assimilate
We assumed that everyone knew what we were referring to when we said “Borg.” Apparently no, according to some readerst. Resistance is futile.
Feedback on Candleholder Plans
A reader has a note to share about Woodworker’s Journal’s candle holder plan, and more feedback on past eZine articles and woodworking in general.
Users Respond to Questions
It’s our readers’ turn to play expert as they offer their own advice on finishing large panels, drilling 90 degree holes and the difference between arcs and arches.