A Christmastime Quiet; Bit Causing Burning?
In our last eZine, Rob channeled his inner curmudgeon into his editorial, and told everyone to “go away, he was busy” — making Christmas presents. Judging from the amount of feedback we received for that issue, it seems he was likely not the only one with that attitude — although we did hear from one lonely voice on the other side of that issue.
Birthday Wishes, Woodworker Admiration and Removing Old Paint
After last issue’s eZine, which included questions in our Q&A section on true lumber sizes as well as removing old cabinet paint, we received responses from readers who wanted to share their own experiences in both of these areas.
Shop Heat, Gluing Ipe, Setting a Miter Lock
In the last eZine, Rob wrote in his editorial about his conflicting desires to have a comfortably heated shop and to save on the heating bill. Several readers sympathized.
Table Saw Tilts, Cutting Board Wood Choice and More
Our last issue of the eZine coincidentally mailed on Election Day in the U.S. Rob’s advice, no matter the outcome? Get thee to the shop. At least one reader agreed with our politics.
One More Time: Granddaughter Project, Trees to Lumber — Plus Five Tools, Mystery Bevel
In last issue’s Feedback, we shared the responses from readers to Rob’s query about what he should build his granddaughter for her first Christmas. This suggestion highlights a project from our own annals.
Granddaughter Project Choices; Trees to Lumber to Projects (Continued)
The question Rob posed in his editorial last eZine related to his planned Christmas gift for his granddaughter: a rocking horse or a play kitchen, he wondered?
From Trees to Lumber to Projects — for Many, Many Readers
How many eZine readers had chopped a tree down for lumber, and built something out of it? The answer: a whooooole lot of you. This is just a sampling of the many responses we received.
Black Oak, Blade Alignment and Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie
In one of our Q&A queries in the last issue of the eZine, a reader wondered what exactly some “black oak” he had run across was. In response, we heard from some other readers about their experiences — and their definitions.
Woodturning Reactions; Forstner Bit Sharpening Option
Our thoughts turned to woodturning in last issue’s eZine, which was a special issue devoted to the topic. Some readers liked that. Some didn’t.
Thanks for the (Today’s Woodworker) Memories
Our first reader response to last week’s eZine was an answer to Rob’s editorial, where he spoke about having the entire collection of Today’s Woodworker magazine now available on CD.