Woodworkers Share the Projects on Their Lists
Last time out, Rob asked the eZine faithful what was on your project list for the end of the year. Here are some of the items on the agenda.
How to Deal with Woodworking Mistakes
Last time out, Rob talked about what he learned regarding woodworking mistakes from an older mentor.
Use Tubing to Spray Caulk in Wall Crack
Other readers had some additional advice for last issue’s questioner who wanted to know “How Should I Fix a Wall Crack with Limited Access.”
Experiences with Woods and Finishes for Outdoor Applications
Our reader feedback this time out focuses on the Q&A section from the last issue of the eZine.
Creative Projects; Preventing Bugs from Barn Wood; Anti-Theft Tool Markings
In the editorial in the last issue of the eZine, Rob wondered what was the most creative project our eZine readers had ever built. Some of you shared some examples.
An Option for Hiding Metal in Fence Posts; The Fate of Teak
In our last issue of the eZine, one of our readers wrote in about how to hide metal post ties inside large fence posts. This reader has a suggestion for how to address this issue.
Collaboration on Projects; Kudos to Shop Teacher; Cascamite Glue Working Time
After a rather philosophical discussion about collaborating on projects, we asked our eZine readers if any of you collaborate on your woodworking projects.
Successful Finish Tale; Favorite Glue
The discussion in last issue’s Feedback about “tung oil finish” vs. the specific product, “Tung Oil Finish,” prompted this reader to share some feedback about his own finishing story.
Favorite Woodworking Styles; “Tung Oil” vs. “Tung Oil Finish”
In his editorial in the last eZine, Rob mentioned his sartorial style (or lack thereof…), and asked eZine readers to share their favorite style of woodworking.
Sizes-Band Saws and 2x4s; Shop Location
In last issue’s Q&A, a reader had a question about band saw sizes. Another reader has a suggestion to help him remember the sizing — and a question of his own about wood sizing variances on 2×4’s.